There are a number of ways to finance your Renewable Energy System which means you do not have to pay cash upfront. In this article, we introduce First National Bank’s (FNB) Renewable Energy Loan.
This loan allows you to purchase renewable energy products from installers and suppliers that are registered with the REEEI (Namibian Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Institute). You will have access to the loan with the repayment period over a maximum of 5 years depending on affordability.
The step-by-step guide on how to get funding through this initiative is explained below:
STEP 1: Find an accredited supplier
View list of accredited renewable energy suppliers and installers. Alternatively, contact any FNB branch for more information on accredited renewable energy suppliers and installers.
STEP 2: Get a Quotation
You need to contact the supplier for a quotation (on equipment and installation cost).
STEP 3: Get Approval
Visit a branch to get confirmation from the loan officer or consultant that the quote is from an accredited supplier.
STEP 4: Install
Once the loan is approved, you must take the copy of the approved contract to the supplier for installation.
STEP 5: Arrange for a Payout
Once the installation has been completed to your satisfaction, notify FNB and a payment will be made to the supplier.
You can find more information on FNB’s website here:
Light Systems Namibia is an approved & registered installer and supplier with the Namibia Energy Institute (NTCRE / TC1) which means that together with FNB, you can “Power Everything Under the Sun”
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